For the Vatican it’s Clear – Pro-Abortion Politicians ‘Must’ be Denied Communion


By John-Henry Westen

November 27, 2009 – With the Patrick Kennedy Communion flap and the recent action of the Bishops of Spain having opened up the issue of denying communion to pro-abortion politicians, it is worthwhile to review the position of the Vatican on the matter.
Since the controversy came to a head in 2004, the stance from the Vatican on the matter has been clear and consistent. For the Pope and top Curial Cardinals in charge of the matter there is no question about the responsibility to deny Holy Communion to Catholic politicians who obstinately support abortion. In fact, the issue was closed as early as 2004 with a letter from Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI.
The then-head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith intervened into a debate among the US Bishops on the issue. Simply put, Cardinal Ratzinger said in his letter titled ‘Worthiness to receive Holy Communion,’ that a Catholic politician who would vote for ‘permissive abortion and euthanasia laws’ after being duly instructed and warned, ‘must’ be denied Communion.” read entire article…

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