About the Catholic Church

About the Catholic Church

These topics are available about the Catholic Church:

  • The Precepts of the Catholic Church

    These are the Precepts of the Catholic Church:

    1. To keep holy the Lord’s Day by attending Mass on Sunday’s and holy days of obligation and to rest from servile labor.
    2. To confess your sins in the sacrament of Confession at least once a year during the Easter Season.
    3. To receive Holy Communion at least once a year during the Easter Season.
    4. To observe the days of fast and abstinence according to the norms of the Church.
    5. To contribute to the needs of the Church.
  • The Sacraments of the Catholic Church

    These are the Sacraments of the Catholic Church:

    1. Baptism
    2. Confession (also known as: Penance, Reconciliation)
    3. Holy Communion (the Holy Eucharist)
    4. Confirmation
    5. Holy Matrimony
    6. Holy Orders
    7. Anointing of the Sick